I wanted to write a blog for a long time now. Its like one of those things which you really want to do but never get round to it. There was never due to lack of interest or due to my busy schedule. There is an invisible wall that obstructs me and the things i want to accomplish.
Whenever it is a choice of blogging vs movie, movie always wins hands down.Whenever I encounter the thought of blogging, my answer always is next weekend. It is a surprise how that weekend never materialized.
I always have a part of brain which analyzes my interests , keeping my goals in consideration and calculating the optimized path of action. But the surprise is, I find myself watching movies, checking gtalk status or clicking refresh mind numbing times in matter of minutes. I am always getting around to it. I kept promising myself that this will be the year for all these things. I knew that my life will improve, if i could put a little effort.There is a growing list of things i wanted to do and years passed,over this very same thinking process.My own mind has persuaded me to take up the acts of small-scale delights, while these movies have sowed these ruinous seeds.But this dark reality has awakened me, while I was somewhere between asleep and awake,when I couldn't figure out the difference between reality and fantasy.
I have been making faulty assumptions about the future,while the nature fills my day with incongruous stuff.Having known all these, Why am I making the same mistake, again and again? Because I have been making a lot of the time-inconsistent choices. 
I see that the moment has come to fight back the habit of procrastination.It is the time to think about thinking over this clash of necessities and wants..It is the time to be wise at thinking about thinking to make better choices. Now I am here writing this,and there is another me in the future who is influenced by a different set of ideas and desires. Now I may be able to see the benefits and problems of the choices i make, but it will not be the present  me who is going to face those choices.It will be future me - an unknown person. He may give in to the needs and demands of that time frame. He may come back to now me and feel the need to restart again.So it is time to trick the present and future you into doing what is right for both.

There is always a choice whether it  is about the government taking their decision on Telangana or me writing this blog rather than going for a ride.It's always  extremely sensitive and complex issue.